Who We Are

Just as workers join unions to protect their rights in their workplaces, unions join together to address common issues at the local, provincial, and national level.

The Prince Edward Island Federation of Labour is the central provincial voice for PEI workers. The Fed represents thousands of union members, lobbying the provincial government for justice and fairness for workers across the province.

The Fed is chartered by the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), the national voice of workers primarily tasked with lobbying the federal government and national labour advocacy.

Together these democratic, worker-run organizations are Canada’s House of Labour.

The Federation represents over 15,000 members of affiliated unions in more than 16 affiliates working in every aspect of Prince Edward Island’s economy.

The Federation provides strike support whenever called upon, by making a direct donation, sending a strike appeal to affiliates, making a presentation to government for intervention, supporting a boycott or holding a support rally.

Over the years the Federation has been on many picket lines and supported as many demonstrations, standing shoulder to shoulder with workers fighting for fairness.

The PEI Federation of Labour was founded on a principal of justice and dignity for all and it will always be the front and center of battle for a just society.

The Federation Executive Council is made up of five officers, at least one whom must be a woman: A President, a First Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Vice-President for Woman’s Issues. Each of the nine largest unions are entitled to one Executive Member, all of the remaining unions affiliated to be entitled to one representative .

The President and one staff member work out of the Fed Office in Charlottetown.

Convention is held annually which delegates from affiliated unions set policy and future direction for the Federation and elect the Executive Council.

Executive Council

Carl Pursey President
Craig Walsh Vice-President
Jody LaPierre Treasurer
Debi Buell Secretary
Cheryl Koughan VP Women

General Presidents

Kim Asling PSAC
Barbara Brookins PEINU
Karen Jackson PEIUPSE
Tracy Robertson IUOE
Ashley Clark CUPE
Katharine Peoples CUPW
Larry Hale UPEIFA
Greg Mountain IATSE

Our Work

We are committed to the principal of advancing the social and economic well-being of the workers of Prince Edward Island; as well as attempting to secure legislative change which will safeguard and promote the principals of free collective bargaining, the rights of workers, human rights and the security and welfare of all people.

The PEI Federation of Labour is the province’s central labour body. It was established, along with other Federation’s of Labour, after the creation of the Canadian Labour Congress in 1956, to further the aims and objectives of its affiliated unions.

The Federation speaks on behalf of and represents the interests of organized and unorganized workers. We promote decent wages and working conditions, improved health and safety laws and lobbies for fair taxes and strong social programs. Working for social equality, and to end racism and discrimination.

While the Federation does not deal directly with collective bargaining, it does focus on issues such as provincial labour standards, workers’ compensation and occupation health and safety standards, which do have an effect on and are affected by industrial relations.

Advocacy & Lobbying

The Federation’s role is primarily a legislative one, in which it lobbies government on behalf of workers on a wide and varied range of issues:

  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Medicare and Health Care
  • Workers’ Compensation Legislation
  • Equality Rights
  • Anti-Racism
  • Human Rights
  • Employment Standards
  • Social Programs
  • Child Care
  • Labour Standards, Minimum Wage
  • Housing
  • Pensions
  • Literacy
  • Transportation
  • Environment
  • Workplace Training
  • Political Action


  • Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union (COPE)
  • Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
  • Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW)
  • International Association of Machinists and Aerospace (IAM)
  • International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE)
  • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)
  • Prince Edward Island Nurses Unions (PEINU)
  • Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)
  • United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW)
  • University of PEI Faculty Association (UPEIFA)
  • Prince Edward Island Union of Public Sector Employees (PEIUPSE)
  • International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE)
  • International Firefighters Association (IFFA)